D. WARREN DONOHUE, Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since February 1993. Member, Civil Law and Procedure Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1999-. Member, Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1985-94.
Associate general counsel, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, 1966-67. Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery County, 1967-69. Secretary, 6th Judicial Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission, 1970-78. Chair, Cable TV Citizens Advisory Committee, Montgomery County, 1980. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, January 12, 1939. Attended Mount St. Joseph High School, Baltimore, Maryland; The Johns Hopkins University, B.A., 1960. Served in U.S. Army Intelligence Corps, 1960-62. Law clerk to Judge Walter H. Moorman, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 1964-65. Georgetown University Law School, J.D., 1965. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1965. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Montgomery County Bar Association (president, 1983-84). Private practice of law, 1969-93.
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