Sally D. Adkins, Judge, 1st Appellate Circuit, 2010
James R. Eyler, Judge, 2nd Appellate Circuit, 2006
J. Frederick Sharer, Judge, 3rd Appellate Circuit, 2002
James P. Salmon, Judge, 4th Appellate Circuit, 2006
Clayton Greene, Jr., Judge, 5th Appellate Circuit, 2002
Arrie W. Davis, Judge, 6th Appellate Circuit, 2002
Andrew L. Sonner, Judge, 7th Appellate Circuit, 2008
Mary Ellen Barbera, Judge, At Large, 2002
Deborah Sweet Eyler, Judge, At Large, 2008
Ellen L. Hollander, Judge, At Large, 2006
James A. Kenney III, Judge, At Large, 2008
Peter B. Krauser, Judge, At Large, 2010
Murphy Courts of Appeal Building (view from Rowe Blvd.), Annapolis, Maryland, 1998. Photo by James Hefelfinger (Hefelfinger Collection, MSA SC 1885-758-2, Maryland State Archives).
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Former Judges |
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Murphy Courts of Appeal Building, Annapolis, Maryland, November 2000. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Joseph F. Murphy, Jr., Chief Judge (designated by Governor)
(410) 887-3206, (410) 260-1465
Leslie D. Gradet, Clerk (appointed by Court of Special Appeals) (410) 260-1459CHIEF DEPUTY CLERK
Tracey A. McKirgan, Chief Deputy Clerk (410) 260-1456DEPUTY CLERKS (410) 260-1450
RECORDERS (410) 260-1450
Sally D. Adkins, Judge (410) 548-4822
Mary Ellen Barbera, Judge (410) 260-1450
Arrie W. Davis, Judge (410) 333-3200
Deborah Sweet Eyler, Judge (410) 260-1485
James R. Eyler, Judge (410) 887-3286
Clayton Greene, Jr., Judge (410) 222-1375
Ellen L. Hollander, Judge (410) 333-6241
James A. Kenney III, Judge (301) 475-2591
Peter B. Krauser, Judge (410) 260-1469
James P. Salmon, Judge (301) 952-5855
J. Frederick Sharer, Judge (301) 777-5929
Andrew L. Sonner, Judge (301) 217-8100
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